Social Emotional Wellness
What is Social Emotional Wellness?
Social and emotional wellness is our capacity to manage our thoughts, feelings and behavior positively so we can enjoy life, maintain positive relationships and work toward our goals.
How Do We Support Social Emotional Wellness?
- Universal: Access for all students
- Strategic: Intervention for specific groups of students
- Targeted: Highly individualized and intensive intervention
- Mental Health Services Support: Care Solace
Universal: Access for all students
Strategic: Intervention for specific groups of students
Targeted: Highly individualized and intensive intervention
Mental Health Services Support: Care Solace
Contact Us
Contact Me About
- Overall development, coordination, and supervision of the Student Services department
- Special Education
- English Learner (EL) services
Contact Me About
- Social emotional wellness
- Mental health framework
- AODA services and grants
- McKinney Vento
- Section 504