Knowledge Center
Parents Submit a Help Desk Ticket
Technology Telephone Support (8 a.m.-4 p.m.): 920-662-7832
Staff, please access the IncidentIQ Help Desk link in the staff resources folder on your Classlink Launchpad.
Device Support Resources
- Basics FAQ
- Essentials
- Setting up your device
- Switching to a new device
- Mail, Contacts, and Calendars
- Printing
- User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Device
Q: What type of personal mobile computing device do students receive?
A: The following devices are distributed:
- Bay Port students receive MacBook Air laptops to be used year round.
- Students in grades K-8 will be provided an assigned iPad and may keep their device for year-round use.
Q: May I use my own protective case on the HSSD-issued device?
A: No. You must use the HSSD-issued case.
Q: May I decorate my HSSD-issued device?
A: No.
Q: May I store music on my laptop?
A: Students may store music as long as it is legally purchased. It must keep within the District Administrative Policy, 7540.03 - Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety.
Q: Do these devices have separate headphone and microphone jacks?
A: Yes. The device has a headphone jack and a built-in microphone.
Q: How is the personal learning device initiative funded?
A: HSSD purchases the devices through internal funds which are part of the Digital Transformation initiative. This type of funding is not new to HSSD and had previously been designated in the acquisition of outdated technology, sound amplification systems, online resource access, network infrastructure, etc.
Q: What is the insurance fee for each student?
A: High School parents will contribute $99 for a non-refundable annual insurance protection plan for their student’s laptop. Parents in grades K-8 will contribute $35 for a non-refundable annual insurance protection plan for their student’s iPad and may keep their device for year round use. Seniors will contribute $75 for school year use only due to their graduation. Technology Insurance coverage remains in effect for one year from November to November. Please be sure to pay your Technology insurance fee to keep continued coverage and avoid costly repairs.
Q: Is the insurance fee in addition to the textbook fee?
A: Yes. In the vein of college and career readiness, students will use a combination of device-learning and textbook-learning.
Q: What does the insurance fee cover?
A: The Personal Mobile Computing Device Protection Plan covers the following:
- Parts and repair for system-related issues or failures.
- Two incidents of accidental damage to the device.
- In the event of accidental damage, HSSD will repair/replace the device if damage occurs from normal use.
Q: What does the insurance fee NOT cover?
A: The Personal Mobile Computing Device Protection Plan does NOT cover the following:
- Loss
- Theft
- Intentional damage or destruction associated with misuse of the device
- Replacement cost for damage
- Loss of cords or cases
- Cords will be replaced if it is determined to be defective
- Claims that exceed the two allowable incidents will be repaired or replaced at a shared cost of 50% with families.
Q: Will graduating seniors have the opportunity to purchase their devices?
A: No.
Student Use at School
Q: Do I have to bring my HSSD-issued device to school each day?
A: Yes.
Q: May I bring my own technology to school to access HSSD’s network?
A: You may bring a person device, such as a Smartphone or iPad. That said, HSSD does not have the capability to load licensed software or applications on personal equipment, and it cannot provide technical support on personal devices.
Q: Where can I print assignments, homework, etc.?
A: Limited printing capabilities are available in the high school library. Students can print at home on a MacBook compatible printer. Students may also email documents to their personal email to print at home.
Q: Will HSSD save my information daily?
A: No. Students are responsible for storing work.
Q: What if I need to download an application for individual courses?
A: HSSD or school staff will load applications needed for instruction.
Q: What do I do with my device during after-school practices/rehearsals?
A: Students are expected to keep their devices safe, just as they do with textbooks, wallets, cell phones, etc. HSSD recommends locking the device in lockers or in another safe place.
Q: May I use social media on my device?
A: Social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, may be accessed on HSSD-issued devices. Social media sites must be in compliance with all applicable policies, including the Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy, 7540.03, and 7540.07 - Social Media Electronic Communications.
Student Use at Home
Q: What if my MacBook or iPad stops working at home outside of school hours?
A: Contact the Apple Care Help Desk Support at 1-800-275-2273. If the problem is not corrected, bring your device to your building LMS/TIS to assist you the next available school day.
Network and Security
Q: Can HSSD’s network handle all of these devices?
A: Yes, HSSD made upgrades to its wireless network to increase speed and capacity.
Q: What filter(s) are in place to protect students from visiting illicit websites?
A: HSSD implements a multi-tiered security solution for MaBook Air and iPads that protects students in the district and off premise.
Schoology for Parents
Parent Access Codes
Parents can have access to all of their child's courses, calendars, groups, etc. without having their child's username and password. This allows the parents to view, but not participate, class discussions, submit assignments, and more. You can change the access rights so they can, but it defaults to them having ‘view’ rights.
Once the connection is made between the kid and the parent, it does not need to be made again for the remainder of the child's schooling in HSSD.
Teachers or Administrators should have downloaded and sent access codes to parents. You as parents can then sign up for an account and associate yourself with your child(ren).
- Go to
- Click on Sign Up.
- Click Parent
- Enter the access code provided by the teacher
- Fill out the necessary information, including a valid email address